12/14/2023 / By Belle Carter
For New York University Media, Culture and Communication professor Mark Crispin Miller, there is no denying that vaccination is the evilest “innovation” in the history of humanity and the main reason for massive excess deaths worldwide, declining life expectancy in the U.S., and the “global collapse of fertility.” In his Dec. 2 Substack newsletter, he carefully compiled and presented overwhelming evidence that what is happening can be considered “a global holocaust.”
The author also said that the mainstream media and the governments could no longer ignore, belittle, or distort the truth.
In the YouTube video below by Dr. John Campbell, an England-based retired accident and emergency nurse, he presented some public data showing excess deaths at around 12 to 20 percent at any time of the year among countries such as Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore and the Netherlands. Campbell pointed out that the death rate is skyrocketing even during the summer season when flu is not common.
He also revealed that the use of the Moderna vaccine has been suspended in Iceland after authorities reviewed data from the Nordic countries, which showed an increased incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis. In Sweden, the mentioned brand is no longer allowed to be administered to individuals born after 1991. Also, Norway and Denmark recommend against Moderna for children aged 12 to 17.
Official public data from Ireland reflected that there has also been an alarming rise in excess deaths. A deep dive showed the surge of fatalities/deaths in a given period surpassed the average of the pre-pandemic years of 2015-2019. According to data from the General Register Office (GRO) and RIP.ie, Ireland has experienced an increase of 14.8 percent, which translated to 4,600 excess death notices in 2021. The following year, there was a spike of 18.4 percent at 5,700 excess deaths. In 2023, there has been an increase of 19.7 percent, or 4,100, excess death notices up to the end of July, and the numbers continue to climb.
A 180-page study on the COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region also came out in September saying that a definite causal link was shown between many peaks in all-cause mortality and rapid vaccine rollouts. The authors quantify the fatal toxicity risk per injection, which is exceedingly large in the most elderly. The authors concluded that governments should immediately end the policy of prioritizing elderly people for COVID-19 injection.
Meanwhile, in the United States, research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealed that in 2021, life expectancy decreased for both men and women for the second consecutive year to just 76 years. The average woman can expect to live to 79, while men can only anticipate reaching 73. According to researchers from the University of California and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, men’s and women’s life expectancy gap is the widest since 1997. The study indicated that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is partially responsible for this in recent years, particularly for men who were more susceptible to the virus, but it does not entirely explain the age-gender gap. For the researchers, the blame lies in the healthcare system’s failure to prioritize prevention over treating illnesses.
Miller also cited OpenVAET’s Substack, which presented an analysis of birth data and neonatal mortality, illustrating that a major fertility problem exists, at least in Europe. The newsletter revealed that the Pfizer jabbing “clinical trial” using Process 2 shots laden with endotoxin is part of the tragic impact on women and their partners hoping to bear children.
The author further discussed papers that found that the population crash and the recent spike in various illnesses are due primarily to vaccination. In South Korea, an article on NewsBreak claimed that vaccination increased the risks of all non-fatal immune-related adverse events (irAEs) except for visual impairment. The said post was taken down less than five hours later but some critics were quick to take the screenshot below.
Miller further touched on internal data from the health department. Excess deaths have been running at unprecedented levels for well over a year, hospital admissions are also at record levels, and the health service is overwhelmed. “For months we have been asking for data by disease category and vaccination status. From what data we do have, it appears that the vaccinated are being affected disproportionately,” he said. (Related: CNN finally admits COVID-19 vaccines can increase STROKE RISK in adults.)
And with regard to those who live by the sword of touting All Cause Mortality, you shall die by that same sword as well.
In the coming two years, Pull Forward Effect will exhaust, and you no longer will be able to use that sleight-of-hand trick to fool people.
We bear the… pic.twitter.com/DZx1LtmQtI
— Ethical Skeptic ? (@EthicalSkeptic) September 7, 2023
However, authorities and their experts maintain that it must be due to the coronavirus infection, rather than the shots and thus, they are calling for more mRNA shots. But leaked figures from the Wellington Region, which contains approximately 10 percent of New Zealand’s population, show hospital admission figures that verified the health of the population is getting progressively worse.
South Korean studies also proved that the pandemic now is on the vaccinated population as these people are more likely to suffer blood disorders and ear diseases too. Epoch Times also reported that urinary symptoms of incontinence, urinary tract diseases, urinating hesitancy and frequent urination have been observed in men who got the jab, per a Hong Kong study.
Check out PharmaceuticalFraud.com for more news on Big Pharma’s dangerous vaccines.
Tagged Under:
Big Pharma, conspiracy, covid-19, deception, depopulation, excess deaths, mainstream media, medical martial law, Medical Tyranny, medicine violence, Moderna, pharmaceutical fraud, research, true investigations, vacccination, Vaccine deaths, Vaccine injuries, vaccine wars, vaccines
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